Tweet Tales Tuesday Week 23 + Booker Award
June 20, 2012

The Booker AwardBefore I get to the regularly scheduled 15 Minute Tweet Tales roundup, I wanted to thank Medeia Sharif for passing The Booker Award to me.  The tagline for this award is: for those who refuse to live in the real world.  That fits me to a T – whether I’m writing, reading, or watching TV/movies, I spend much more of my time in fictional worlds than in the here and now.  Some people might think this is a problem, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

The rules for this award are:
This award is for book bloggers only. To receive this award the blog must be at least 50 percent about books (reading or writing is okay).
Along with receiving this award, you must also share
your top five favorite books you have ever read. (More
than five is okay) You must give this award to 5-10
other lucky book blogs you adore.
My top five favorite books are tough to narrow down.  Do I pick ones I loved as a child/teen?  More current favorites?  Ones I’ve read multiple times?  Quality over entertainment value?  Argh!!!  OK, here I go:
Watchers by Dean Koontz.  I loved so many of Koontz’s books as a teen (Strangers and Lightning were close runners up), but Watchers is my absolute favorite.  A super smart dog?  Of course I was going to love it!  Plus the terror, drama, humor, and romance all combine to make this an awesome read and one of the few books I’ve read multiple times.  Although it’s been a few years – it might be time to dust off my copy.
The Stand by Stephen King.  King is another author whose works I devoured as a teen.  Truthfully, I think I prefer his short story collections, and his On Writing is my most favoritest book on writing ever, but The Stand (very closely followed by It) is my favorite of his novels.
Chain Letter by Christopher Pike.  I used to describe Christopher Pike as the Stephen King for teens (even though all of us teens were also reading King).  Now I tell people I want to write YA thriller and horror novels like Christopher Pike.  Chain Letter was the first one of his I read, so it will always be my favorite.  
Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling.  I can’t pick a favorite of the series, and since they’re all basically one long story, I’m just going to say all of them.  Rowling’s ability to breathe life into even the smallest of bit characters and make them memorable is an inspiration.  
Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery.  I actually saw the movie with Megan Follows first, and I loved it so much I proceeded to tear through all of the Anne books.  She was such a spunky heroine, and since I was a shy, quiet girl, I wanted to be outspoken like her.
Well, that’s five… sort of.  I could go down the page listing books I’ve loved, but I’d better stop here.  And since I always break the rules with these awards, I’m not going to pass it on.  Thank you again to Medeia for passing this award to me!  Medeia is a very disciplined writer, and I’m in complete awe of her ability to juggle multiple manuscripts at one time.  
And now for the tweet tales for the past week:
15 Minute Tweet Tales6/13 – Her cakes were a palmary example of the benefits of baking with love. Although no one knew she considered her saliva love extract.
6/14 – Her family members were arrested so often she chose a career in jurisprudence, which made her the most successful thief in the family.
6/15 – She said his practical jokes were juvenile, so he deep-sixed his prank-filled proposal plans. He wanted a woman who’d laugh with him.
6/16 – When she peeks in his bathroom cabinet, she finds the accoutrements of a surgeon. Chills run through her. Isn’t he an accountant?
6/17 – Bullied at school, he decided to learn wushu to defend himself. He felt tougher after one lesson, but he should have fled like usual.
6/18 – With her haptic sensitivity she can instantly judge letterhead quality. But in this digital age, a stationery QA career is paper-thin.
6/19 – They reward his steadfast loyalty by dropping him off at the pound when the baby comes. Heartbroken, he refuses to eat & is put down.
What are some of your favorite books?  Play along and write tweet tales for the above words.  If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them.  Any thoughts about this week's tweet tales?

The Booker AwardBefore I get to the regularly scheduled 15 Minute Tweet Tales roundup, I wanted to thank Medeia Sharif for passing The Booker Award to me.  The tagline for this award is: for those who refuse to live in the real world.  That fits me to a T – whether I’m writing, reading, or watching TV/movies, I spend much more of my time in fictional worlds than in the here and now.  Some people might think this is a problem, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

The rules for this award are:
This award is for book bloggers only. To receive this award the blog must be at least 50 percent about books (reading or writing is okay).
Along with receiving this award, you must also share
your top five favorite books you have ever read. (More
than five is okay) You must give this award to 5-10
other lucky book blogs you adore.
My top five favorite books are tough to narrow down.  Do I pick ones I loved as a child/teen?  More current favorites?  Ones I’ve read multiple times?  Quality over entertainment value?  Argh!!!  OK, here I go:
Watchers by Dean Koontz.  I loved so many of Koontz’s books as a teen (Strangers and Lightning were close runners up), but Watchers is my absolute favorite.  A super smart dog?  Of course I was going to love it!  Plus the terror, drama, humor, and romance all combine to make this an awesome read and one of the few books I’ve read multiple times.  Although it’s been a few years – it might be time to dust off my copy.
The Stand by Stephen King.  King is another author whose works I devoured as a teen.  Truthfully, I think I prefer his short story collections, and his On Writing is my most favoritest book on writing ever, but The Stand (very closely followed by It) is my favorite of his novels.
Chain Letter by Christopher Pike.  I used to describe Christopher Pike as the Stephen King for teens (even though all of us teens were also reading King).  Now I tell people I want to write YA thriller and horror novels like Christopher Pike.  Chain Letter was the first one of his I read, so it will always be my favorite.  
Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling.  I can’t pick a favorite of the series, and since they’re all basically one long story, I’m just going to say all of them.  Rowling’s ability to breathe life into even the smallest of bit characters and make them memorable is an inspiration.  
Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery.  I actually saw the movie with Megan Follows first, and I loved it so much I proceeded to tear through all of the Anne books.  She was such a spunky heroine, and since I was a shy, quiet girl, I wanted to be outspoken like her.
Well, that’s five… sort of.  I could go down the page listing books I’ve loved, but I’d better stop here.  And since I always break the rules with these awards, I’m not going to pass it on.  Thank you again to Medeia for passing this award to me!  Medeia is a very disciplined writer, and I’m in complete awe of her ability to juggle multiple manuscripts at one time.  
And now for the tweet tales for the past week:
15 Minute Tweet Tales6/13 – Her cakes were a palmary example of the benefits of baking with love. Although no one knew she considered her saliva love extract.
6/14 – Her family members were arrested so often she chose a career in jurisprudence, which made her the most successful thief in the family.
6/15 – She said his practical jokes were juvenile, so he deep-sixed his prank-filled proposal plans. He wanted a woman who’d laugh with him.
6/16 – When she peeks in his bathroom cabinet, she finds the accoutrements of a surgeon. Chills run through her. Isn’t he an accountant?
6/17 – Bullied at school, he decided to learn wushu to defend himself. He felt tougher after one lesson, but he should have fled like usual.
6/18 – With her haptic sensitivity she can instantly judge letterhead quality. But in this digital age, a stationery QA career is paper-thin.
6/19 – They reward his steadfast loyalty by dropping him off at the pound when the baby comes. Heartbroken, he refuses to eat & is put down.
What are some of your favorite books?  Play along and write tweet tales for the above words.  If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them.  Any thoughts about this week's tweet tales?

Jocelyn Rish

Jocelyn Rish is a writer and filmmaker who never imagined her cheeky sense of humor would lead to a book about animal butts. When she's not researching fanny facts, she tutors kids to help them discover the magic of reading. Jocelyn has won numerous awards for her short stories, screenplays, short films, and novels and lives in South Carolina with her booty-ful dogs.